Administration of Justice- Correctional Rehabilitation

Administration of Justice- Correctional Rehabilitation COA

The Correctional Rehabilitation Certificate of Achievement (COA) guides students toward successful employment in a correctional law enforcement agency. The certificate of achievement for correctional workers, developed in conjunction with local and state agencies, provides students with a broad range of correctional skills and competencies, which promote success in a variety of correctional settings. The certificate ensures correctional workers understand the history of correctional rehabilitation, the relationship between correctional and other law enforcement agencies, and the complex legal environment of the corrections worker. Students will understand the role of risk and needs assessments in developing treatment programs for correctional clients. Students who complete the certificate will be ready for the workforce, and the certificate provides a stepping-stone to continue their education and complete an A.A. in Administration of Justice or Corrections.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history of corrections and rehabilitation and the relationship between the criminal justice and corrections subsystem.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities relative to the supervision and control of inmates in local, state and federal correctional institutions.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in a correctional setting to include verbal and written communications or reports.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the doctrines of criminal liability in the United States and the classification of crimes against persons, property, morals, and public welfare.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and historical framework, concepts and precedents that guide correctional practice in the United States.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques of interviewing and counseling available to practitioners in corrections.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the processes of Risk and Needs assessments relative to correctional clients.
Course # Title Units
Required Core Courses
AOJ-003 Introduction to Corrections
AOJ-004 Control and Supervision of Inmates
AOJ-006 Correctional Interviewing and Counseling
AOJ-007 Legal Aspects of Corrections
AOJ-012 Written Criminal Justice Communications
AOJ-020 Criminal Law
COM-001 Elements of Public Speaking
ENG-051A or Higher Introduction to Communication Skills 3
Total 24


For Gainful Employment information please visit:

This is a recommended sequence of courses for timely completion of this program. Please see your counselor to formalize your personalized educational plan or for alternative planning.

  • AOJ-001
  • AOJ-003
  • AOJ-004
  • AOJ-012
  • ENG-051A (or higher)3
  • 15
  • AOJ-006
  • AOJ-007
  • AOJ-020
  • COM-001
  • 12