West Hills College Coalinga’s Farm of the Future is currently in the midst of planning its strategic plan, a regularly produced set of goals, standards and guidelines to guide the work of the farm.
The Strategic Plan will provide guidance and direction for administration of the Farm of the Future and the Agriculture and Industrial Science Department, as well as specific direction in areas of concern. The planning process encompassed West Hills Community College District Educational and Facilities Master Plans, college institutional goals, input from stakeholders and advisory board, and input from current and past staff.
Three broad area have been determined to be the foci for the next five years:
- Farm of the Future
- Educational Programming
- Students
For each of the three foci, this Plan provides a statement of significance, goals, and measurable outcomes.
“The Farm of the Future is a resource that will provide basic ag literacy as well as serve as a leading example of advanced technology and processes to our students, the community, and the Central Valley,” said Terry Brase, Director of the Farm of the Future.
General goals include participating in outreach activities, growing crops at the farm to encourage practical experience, and building cooperation and partnerships with local companies and growers.
The full strategic plan will be released online and in print soon.