A message from Chancellor Dr. Stuart Van Horn
Once again, the holiday season has snuck up on me. This year, it seemed as though one minute it was June and the next it was December. It has been a busy, challenging and productive year for West Hills.
While we have faced obstacles, we have not wavered from our relentless pursuit of
student access and success. The summer and fall has reminded me of systemic challenges
that our district often faces yet is among the most rewarding of my long administrative
career. Frequently, I was reminded that education is the only thing ever invented
that can lift people out of poverty and our institutions and centers are directed
by individuals that never lose sight of our focus to help students succeed. This issue
embodies our motto: “once you go here, you can go anywhere.” This issue focuses in
on what really matters most to us: student success.
It highlights the stories of treasured alumni who have moved on to academic and personal
success, our continued expansion of programs serving non-traditional students including
incarcerated individuals, and the dedication of our employees. It also looks at the
dedication of our generous scholarship donors and the importance of employer outreach.
In these pages, you’ll hear from many different voices: students, alumni, community
partners, employers and employees.
As we approach 2020 and 2019 draws to a close, I wish you good health and happiness
in the future. I look forward to another year of innovation and responsiveness by
our college district to create educational, economic, cultural and social opportunities
for the citizens of the region.
Season’s greetings,