Portfolio Assessment


One way to show you already have the knowledge of the course content is through portfolio assessment.  In portfolio assessment, you will write a narrative essay of your college-level learning and supply additional documentation to show you achieved the learning outcomes of a specific course in your education plan. 

  1. Review the courses eligible for portfolio assessment in the table below.
  2. Meet with a counselor to discuss your interest in portfolio assessment to earn credit toward one of the courses.
  3. Once your request is approved, enroll in the 1-unit, 6 week Portfolio Development (IS051) course to learn how to assemble the contents of your portfolio.
  4. After you assemble your portfolio, pay the assessment fee and then submit your portfolio for assessment. A faculty subject matter expert will evaluate your portfolio and determine whether to award you credit for the course. 


Portfolio Assessment is available for the following courses:
Coalinga Lemoore
Health Science Culinary Arts
HS 080 Introduction to Medical Professional CUL 051 Restaurant Math
Welding CUL 052 Introduction to Commercial Baking
IMT 060 Industrial Core CUL 056 Garde Manager
WT 071 Beginning SMAW CUL 057 Beverage Management
WT 072 Advanced SMAW CUL 058 Dining Room Services and Management
WT 074 GMAW and FCAW CUL 061 Kitchen Management
WT 075 SMAW Pipe Welding CUL 064 Restaurant Desserts


  • The cost for portfolio assessment is $90.00. Fees do not guarantee the awarding of credit. Fees are non-refundable.
  • 15 units may be earned through portfolio assessment.
  • Portfolio assessment credit is awarded with letter grades “P” for “Pass” and “NP” for “No Pass.”  If the faculty member determines that the college level learning demonstrated in the portfolio is equal to a grade of “C” or better, credit will be awarded. If the knowledge is judged to be insufficient, the faculty member will deny credit.
  • Credit earned through portfolio assessment is not guaranteed to transfer to CSUs and UCs.  Colleges and universities have the discretion to accept/deny credit and limit the number of units applied toward majors.  Contact the institution you intend on transferring to for more information.