Research Agenda


Strategic Research Agenda The WHCCD Strategic Research Agenda is designed to help organize, prioritize, and communicate the research activities conducted through the Office of Accreditation, Research, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning.

The dashboard linked below presents a visual timeline of the Research Agenda through 2019 and also includes a listing of projects scheduled for the current month, and an integrated planning crosswalk identifying how the various research activities and reports link to the ACCJC Standards, college plans and processes, and the WHCCD Strategic Plan. The timeline view includes time allotted for "Reporting/Dialogue" when research results will be shared with college committees and constituencies in support of data-informed decision-making. This is meant to be a fluid document, which will be revised as new activities are identified, prioritized, and scheduled.

Sept 2017 WHCCD Leadership Retreat Presentation

Research Agenda