COALINGA, Calif. — The West Hills Community College District (WHCCD) swore in Omar
Hernandez as its newest board member on Tuesday, Decembe17, 2024, replacing longtime
Trustee Steve Cantu. The ceremony also celebrated the re-election of Trustees Mark
McKean, Crystal Jackson, and Martin Maldonado, who will continue their service following
victories in the recent election.
Hernandez, a native of rural West Fresno County and the son of immigrant parents, brings a strong background in agriculture and public service to the board. A former vice president of his high school’s Future Farmers of America chapter, Hernandez earned the prestigious American Degree for his dedication to farming and agricultural education.
“As someone shaped by agriculture and education, I am passionate about ensuring that West Hills students receive a world-class agriculture education,” Hernandez said. “I will also work to strengthen dual enrollment partnerships so high school students are prepared for college from day one. And I will advocate tirelessly for our instructors, who are the backbone of our district, to ensure they have the resources they need to succeed.”
Hernandez’s leadership journey includes serving as Associated Students, Inc. president at California State University, Fresno, where he represented more than 25,000 students and advocated for their interests across university boards and committees. After graduating, Hernandez gained experience in the agriculture industry by working at a local dairy and later transitioned into public service through community outreach roles in local government.
Mark McKean, WHCCD board president, welcomed Hernandez and acknowledged his expertise and commitment.
“Omar’s dedication to education and agriculture makes him an outstanding addition to our board,” McKean said. “His leadership and passion for student success will enhance our mission to serve the communities of the West Hills Community College District.”
The re-elected trustees also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to continue their service. “It is an honor to be part of a team so dedicated to improving educational opportunities for our students,” McKean said.
With Hernandez’s addition and the renewed leadership of McKean, Jackson, and Maldonado, the WHCCD board is well-positioned to advance its goals of supporting student success, empowering faculty, and strengthening pathways to higher education.