Business - Retail Business Management

Retail Business Management Certificate of Achievement

The Business Program of study prepares the student for entry level positions in areas such as bookkeeping, management and retailing. The business program provides a foundation for further study and is valuable for students interested in starting or enhancing their own business. The program provides students with an understanding of the operation of business in the American economic system.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate utilization of a variety of prevailing Microsoft office applications and accounting software.
  • input and produce reports from business records.
  • identify the basic elements of a contract and assess a contract’s validity.
  • compose business letters and employment applications choosing the appropriate delivery means.
  • assess business situations from an owner’s/manager’s prospective including basic employment laws.
Course # Title Units
Required Core Courses
BUS 001A Beginning Principles of Accounting 4
or BUS 055 Bookkeeping 3
BUS 018 Business Law 4
BUS 020 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 028 Business Communication 3
BUS 032 Small Business Management 3
BUS 035 Human Resources Management 3
CIS 007 Computer Concepts 3
Electives BUS 013A/B, CIS 008, 042, ECON 001A/B, OR PHIL 003 3
Total 25-26


For Gainful Employment information please visit:

This is a recommended sequence of courses for timely completion of this program. Please see your counselor to formalize your personalized educational plan or for alternative planning.