Academic Regulations

The 2019-2020 course catalog requires a revision. The following sub section should read as follows:


Pass/No Pass Classes

Students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university should take classes for a letter grade, not as pass/no pass. Only selected courses are offered on this basis. A student must select the pass/no pass option in a class by the end of the fourth week for semester-length courses and 30% of the course for short-term courses within the semester. Under the P/NP policy, if a student successfully completes the course requirements, he/she will be granted credit and will receive units but no grade points. If the student does not successfully complete the course requirements, the student’s record will reflect units attempted but the student will not have grade points calculated. The student decision is final and cannot be changed, for any reason, back to a grade once this option is selected.

This policy is designed primarily to permit the student to explore areas of curriculum with which he/she is not familiar without jeopardizing his/her grade point average. If students plan to eventually transfer to another institution, students should refer to the catalog of that transfer institution on the maximum number of P/NP units that will be accepted. See course descriptions for courses offered under this option.

COVID-19 Pass/No Pass exceptions

Due to COVID-19, West Hills College Lemoore has waived the deadline to submit a request for Pass/No Pass for spring 2020. Students will have until May 22, 2020 (the end of spring 2020 term) to submit a request. Students are strongly advised to make an educated decision by meeting with their counselor to discuss potential impacts on transferability.


Grading Standards

Pursuant to Section 51306 of Title 5, the grading practices of West Hills College Coalinga shall be as follows:

Symbol        Definition                          Points

A ........ Excellent ...................................... 4
B ......... Good ........................................... 3
C ......... Satisfactory ................................. 2
D ......... Passing, less than satisfactory ...... 1
F .......... Failing ........................................ 0

  • (P) Pass: At least satisfactory-units awarded; not counted in grade point averages. A P (pass) indicates a grade of C or better. The P grade will not be included in computing the student’s grade point averages. The student will decide no later than the end of the fourth week for a semester length course or by the 30% point for a short-term course whether he/she wishes to take the course on a P/NP basis or on the conventional grading system basis-a letter grade of ABCDF. For credit toward his/her AA or AS degree, a student will not be permitted to take more than fifteen (15) units on the P/NP basis or twelve (12) units if majoring in the CIS/Business program.
  • (NP) No Pass: Less than satisfactory or failing-units not counted in grade point averages
  • (I) Incomplete: Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the term may result in an “I” symbol being entered in the student’s record. The student must complete at least 75% of the required course work. The condition for the removal of the “I” shall be stated by the instructor in a written record and supplied to the student. This record must be given or mailed to the student and a copy on file with the Educational Services and Registrar’s Office. A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed. The “I” may be made up no later than one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned. A student may petition in writing to the Curriculum Academic Review Committee for a time extension (one semester only) due to unusual circumstances. An “I” shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade point averages.
  • (IP) In Progress: The IP symbol shall be used only in those courses which extend beyond the normal end of an academic term. The IP symbol shall remain on the student’s permanent record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation. The appropriate grade and unit credit shall be assigned and appear on the student’s permanent record for the term in which the course is completed. A student may receive an IP grade when the class extends beyond the normal end of the semester. An appropriate evaluation grade shall be assigned when all course work has been completed within the following college semester. Instructors assigning an In Progress (IP) grade will be required to submit a present status grade at the end of the first term, which is sent to the student through the address in the college database. The student must then enroll in the course and complete all course work during the following semester. Should the student not re-enroll and complete the course work within the following semester, the present status grade will be entered on the student’s transcript.
  • (RD) Report Delayed: The RD symbol may be assigned by the registrar only. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. The RD symbol will not be used in calculating grade point averages.
  • (W) Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from a class or classes prior to the end of the thirteenth week or prior to attending 70% of the class sessions of a short term course and receive a grade of W. If a student remains enrolled in a class beyond 70%, then a grade other than a W must be assigned. A student may also receive a W after the 70% upon petition and consultation with the appropriate faculty in extenuating circumstances such as verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. A W shall not be used in calculating grade point averages
  • (EW) Excused Withdrawal: Excused Withdrawal occurs when a student is permitted to withdraw from course(s) due to specific events beyond the control of the student affecting his or her ability to complete a course(s) and may include a job transfer outside the geographical region, an illness in the family where the student is the primary caregiver, when the student who is incarcerated in a California state prison or county jail is released from custody or involuntarily transferred before the end of the term, when the student is the subject of an immigration action, or other extenuating circumstances making course(s) completion impracticable.

    COVID-19 EW Exceptions
    Students have the opportunity to petition for one or all of their courses to be withdrawn with an Excused Withdrawal “EW” option. Because COVID-19 was declared as a national emergency, no additional documentation is needed to submit this request. Interested students should submit an “EW” petition to Students are strongly advised to check with their counselors and financial aid for any implications regarding degree completion, transferability, and financial award status.
  • (MW) Military Withdrawal: Military Withdrawal occurs when a student who is a member of an active or reserve United States military service receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses. Upon verification of such orders, the MW symbol may be assigned at any time after the period established by the governing board during which no notation is made for withdrawals. The student must provide copy of military orders with request for military withdrawal. Military Withdrawals shall not be counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations. In all cases, verification of orders compelling a student to withdraw from courses must be filed with the Registrar before the MW symbol will be assigned.

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