Policies and Procedures


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BP = Board Policy
AP = Administrative Procedure

>> Click here for list of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures scheduled for review in 2024 <<

Please contact the Chancellor's Office via email at alexandrawitt@whccd.edu or by phone at (559) 934-2102 if you have any questions about policies or procedures.

Policy & Procedure Chapters


CHAPTER 1 - THE DISTRICT Last Review Next Review
BP 1100   The West Hills Community College District 11/16/21 2027
BP 1200   District Mission 11/16/21 2027
BP 2010   Board Membership 6/25/24 2030
BP 2015   Student Member 6/25/24 2030
BP 2100   Board Elections 7/23/19


BP 2105 AP 2105 Election of Student Member  7/23/24 2030
BP 2110 AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board 7/23/19 2025
BP 2200   Board Duties and Responsibilities 12/13/22 2028
BP 2210   Officers 12/15/20 2026
BP 2220   Committees of the Board 12/15/20 2026
BP 2305   Annual Organizational Meeting 12/15/20 2026
BP 2310   Regular Meetings of the Board 12/15/20 2026
BP 2315   Closed Sessions 7/23/19 2025
BP 2320 AP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings 6/25/24 2030
BP 2330   Quorum and Voting 7/23/19 2025
BP 2340 AP 2340 Agendas 4/20/21 2027
BP 2345   Public Participation at Board Meetings 3/12/19 2025
BP 2350   Speakers 12/15/20 2026
BP 2355   Decorum 12/15/20 2026
BP 2360   Minutes 12/15/20 2026
BP 2365 AP 2365 Recording 12/15/20 2026
BP 2410 AP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures 5/16/23 2029
BP 2430   Delegation of Authority to Chancellor 12/15/20 2026
BP 2431 AP 2431 Chancellor Selection 10/20/20 2026
BP 2432   Chancellor Succession 1/21/20 2026
BP 2435 AP 2435 Evaluation of the Chancellor 6/25/24 2030
BP 2510 AP 2510 Participation in Local Decision Making 5/16/23 2025
BP 2610 AP 2610 Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals 6/25/24 2030
BP 2710 AP 2710 Conflict of Interest 4/21/20 2026
  AP 2712 Conflict of Interest Code 11/14/23 2025
  AP 2714 Distribution of Tickets or Passes 6/25/24 2030
BP 2715   Code of Ethics / Standards of Practice 1/19/21 2027
BP 2716   Political Activity 6/25/24 2030
BP 2717   Personal Use of Public Resources - Board of Trustees 6/25/24 2030
BP 2720   Communications Among Board Members 6/25/24 2030
BP 2725 AP 2725 Board Member Compensation 5/22/18 2024
BP 2730   Board Member Health Benefits 11/14/23 2029
BP 2735 AP 2735 Board Member Travel 4/21/20 2026
BP 2740   Board Education 12/15/20 2026
BP 2745   Board Self-Evaluation 7/23/19 2025
BP 2750   Board Member Absence from the State 5/18/21 2027
  AP 3050 Institutional Code of Ethics 3/22/23 2029
BP 3100 AP 3100 Organizational Structure 8/21/18 2024
BP 3200 AP 3200 Accreditation 5/17/22 2028
BP 3225 AP 3225 Institutional Effectiveness 4/19/22 2028
BP 3250 AP 3250 Institutional Planning 11/16/21 2027
BP 3280 AP 3280  Grants 8/24/21 2027
BP 3300 AP 3300 Public Records 11/14/23 2029
BP 3310 AP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction 12/12/23 2029
BP 3410 AP 3410 Nondiscrimination 11/19/19 2025
  AP 3415 Immigration Enforcement Activities 8/27/19 2025
BP 3420 AP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity 11/14/23 2029
BP 3430 AP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment 8/27/24 2030
BP 3433 AP 3433 Prohibition of Sex Discrimination Under Title IX 8/27/24 2030
  AP 3434 Responding to Sex Discrimination Under Title IX 8/27/24 2030
  AP 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations 8/27/24 2030
BP 3440 AP 3440 Service Animals 2/20/18 2024
BP 3500 AP 3500 Campus Safety 12/11/18 2024
BP 3501 AP 3501 Campus Security and Access 5/17/22 2028
BP 3503 AP 3503 Missing Student Notification 3/12/19 2025
BP 3505   Emergency Response Plan 1/21/20 2026
BP 3510 AP 3510 Workplace Violence 4/18/23 2024
BP 3515 AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes 4/20/21 2027
  AP 3516 Registered Sex Offender Information 8/21/18 2024
BP 3518 AP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting 3/12/19 2025
BP 3519   Children on District Facilities 6/25/19 2025
BP 3520 AP  3520 Local Law Enforcement 10/23/18 2024
BP 3530 AP 3530 Weapons on Campus 5/17/22 2028
BP 3540 AP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on District Property and in District Programs 8/27/24


BP 3550 AP 3550 Drug Free Environment And Drug Prevention Program 1/19/24 2030
BP 3560 AP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages 4/20/21 2027
BP 3570 AP 3570 Smoking On Campus 3/12/24 2030
BP 3600 AP 3600 Auxiliary Organizations 11/13/18 2024
BP 3710 AP 3710 Securing of Copyright 8/24/21 2027
BP 3715 AP 3715 Intellectual Property 03/09/21 2027
BP 3720 AP 3720 Computer and Network Use 4/18/23 2029
BP 3725 AP 3725 Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use 5/16/23 2029
  AP 3750 Use of Copyrighted Material 11/15/23 2029
BP 3810 AP 3810 Claims Against the District 4/23/19 2025
BP 3820 AP  3820 Gifts 8/24/21 2027
BP 3900 AP 3900 Speech: Time, Place and Manner 6/25/24 2030
BP 4010 AP 4010 Academic Calendar 5/22/18 2024
BP 4020 AP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development 7/23/24 2030
BP 4021 AP 4021 Program Viability 4/23/19 2025
  AP 4022 Course Approval 3/17/21 2027
BP 4025 AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education 11/14/23 2029
BP 4030   Academic Freedom 10/20/20 2026
BP 4040   Library and Learning Support Services 5/22/18 2024
BP 4042   Open Educational Resources 5/21/19 2025
BP 4050 AP 4050 Articulation 9/27/22 2028
BP 4060 AP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreements 4/19/22 2028
BP 4070 AP 4070 Course Auditing and Auditing Fees 8/24/21 2027
BP 4100 AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates 11/13/18 2024
  AP 4101 Independent Study 4/24/19


  AP 4102 Career and Technical Education Programs 3/29/19 2025
  AP 4103 Work Experience Education 4/22/24 2030
  AP 4104 Contract Training 9/24/19 2025
  AP 4105 Distance Education 2/27/24 2030
BP 4106   Nursing Programs 5/16/23 2029
BP 4108   Competency-Based Education 5/21/24 2030
BP 4110 AP 4110 Honorary Degrees 5/17/22 2028
BP 4220   Standards of Scholarship 12/15/20 2026
  AP 4222 Remedial Coursework 7/24/18 2024
BP 4225 AP 4225 Course Repetition 11/16/21 2027
BP 4226 AP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments 7/24/18 2024
  AP 4227 Repeatable Courses 10/16/19 2025
  AP 4228 Course Repetition - Significant Lapse of Time 9/14/22 2028
  AP 4229 Course Repetition - Variable Units 9/14/22 2028
BP 4230 AP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols 9/24/19 2025
BP 4231 AP 4231 Grade Changes 10/22/19 2025
  AP 4232 Pass/No Pass 9/14/22 2028
BP 4235 AP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning 12/15/20


  AP 4236 Advanced Placement Credit 7/24/18 2024
BP 4240 AP 4240 Academic Renewal 7/24/18 2024
BP 4250 AP 4250

Probation, Dismissal and Readmission (BP)

Probation (AP)

7/24/18 2024
  AP 4255 Dismissal and Readmission 7/24/18 2024
BP 4260 AP 4260 Prerequisites and Corequisites


BP 4300 AP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions 12/15/20 2026
BP 4400 AP 4400 Community Services Programs 4/20/21 2027
  AP 4610 Instructional Service Agreements 11/15/23 2029
BP 5010 AP 5010 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment 12/11/18 2024
  AP 5011 Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students 12/11/18 2024
  AP 5012 International Students 3/29/19 2025
BP 5015 AP 5015 Residence Determination 8/27/19 2025
  AP 5017 Responding to Inquiries of Immigration Status, Citizenship Status, and National Origin Information 10/20/21 2027
BP 5020 AP 5020 Nonresident Tuition 11/19/19 2025
BP 5030 AP 5030 Fees 6/25/19 2025
  AP 5031 Instructional Materials Fees 3/12/19


BP 5035 AP 5035 Withholding of Student Records 10/26/21 2027
BP 5040 AP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy 4/23/24


  AP 5045 Student Records - Challenging Content and Access Log 5/31/19 2025
BP 5050 AP 5050 Student Success and Support Program 10/25/22 2028
BP 5052 AP 5052 Open Enrollment 8/21/18 2024
BP 5055 AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities 4/23/24 2030
  AP 5070 Attendance 11/20/19 2025
  AP 5075 Course Adds and Drops 2/25/20 2026
BP 5110 AP 5110 Counseling 1/22/19 2025
BP 5120 AP 5120 Transfer Center 12/11/18 2024
BP 5130 AP 5130 Financial Aid

10/23/18 (BP)

8/27/19 (AP)

BP 5140 AP 5140 Disabled Student Programs and Services 12/11/18 2024
BP 5150 AP 5150 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 12/11/18 2024
  AP 5203 Lactation Accommodation 10/16/19 2025
BP 5205   Student Accident Insurance 10/23/18 2024
BP 5210 AP 5210 Communicable Disease - Students 10/26/21 2027
BP 5220 AP 5220 Shower Facilities for Homeless Students 10/20/20 2026
BP 5300 AP 5300 Student Equity 5/22/18 2024
BP 5400 AP 5400  Associated Students Organization 3/12/19 2025
BP 5410 AP 5410 Associated Students Elections 3/12/19 2025
BP 5420 AP 5420 Associated Students Finance 3/12/19 2025
BP 5500   Standards of Student Conduct 8/27/24 2030
BP 5510 AP 5510 Off-Campus Student Organizations 3/12/19 2025
  AP 5520 Student Discipline 7/24/18 2024
  AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances 10/21/20 2026
BP 5570 AP 5570 Student Credit Card Solicitation 5/21/19 2025
  AP 5610 Voter Registration 4/6/22 2028
BP 5700 AP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics 4/18/23 2029
BP 5800 AP 5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions 4/18/23 2024
BP 6100 AP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs 10/23/18 2024
BP 6150 AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures 10/23/18 2024
BP 6200 AP 6200 Budget Preparation 5/16/23 2026
BP 6250 AP 6250 Budget Management 5/16/23 2029
BP 6300 AP 6300 Fiscal Management 6/25/19 2025
  AP 6305 Reserves 3/22/23 2029
BP 6307 AP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management 4/18/23 2029
BP 6320 AP 6320 Investments 12/11/18


BP 6330   Purchasing 5/21/19 2025
BP 6340 AP 6340 Bids and Contracts 6/28/22 2023
  AP 6345 Bids and Contracts: UPCCAA 10/18/23 2024
  AP 6350 Contracts: Construction 4/6/22 2028
  AP 6360 Contracts: Electronic Systems and Materials 03/17/21 2027
  AP 6365 Contracts: Accessibility of Information Technology 4/6/22 2028
  AP 6370 Contracts: Personal Services 4/6/22 2028
BP 6400 AP 6400 Financial Audits 10/23/18 2024
BP 6450 AP 6450 Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use 5/18/21 2027
BP 6500 AP 6500 Property Management 12/11/18 2024
BP 6520 AP 6520 Security for District Property 1/21/20 2026
  AP 6530 District Vehicles 10/18/23 2029
  AP 6535 Use of District Equipment 8/26/20 2026
BP 6540 AP 6540 Insurance 5/16/23 2029
BP 6550 AP 6550 Disposal of Property 8/27/19 2025
BP 6600 AP 6600 Capital Construction 5/16/23 2029
BP 6620 AP 6620 Naming of Facilities 11/14/23 2029
BP 6700 AP 6700 Facilities Use 1/21/20 2022
BP 6740 AP 6740 Citizen's Oversight Committee 03/08/22 2028
BP 6750 AP 6750 Parking 12/11/18 2024
BP 6800 AP 6800 Occupational Safety 5/16/23 2029
  AP 6850 Hazardous Materials 8/25/20 2026
BP 6900   Bookstores 12/11/18 2024
BP 6910 AP 6910 Housing 5/16/23 2029
  AP 6950 Drug and Alcohol Testing (US Department of Transportation) 12/12/22 2028
BP 7100   Commitment to Diversity 3/12/19 2025
BP 7110 AP 7110 Delegation of Authority, Human Resources 3/12/19


BP 7120 AP 7120 Recruitment and Hiring 8/24/21 2027
  AP 7125 Verification of Eligibility for Employment 11/20/19 2025
  AP 7126 Applicant Background Checks 2/22/23 2029
BP 7130 AP 7130 Compensation 5/21/19 2025
BP 7140   Collective Bargaining 12/15/20 2026
  AP 7145 Personnel Files 2/22/23 2029
  AP 7150 Evaluation 10/21/20 2026
BP 7160 AP 7160 Professional Development 4/18/23 2029
BP 7210   Academic Employees 8/24/21 2027
  AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies 2/2/20 2027
  AP 7212 Temporary Faculty 2/22/23 2029
  AP 7215 Academic Employees:  Probationary Contract Faculty 2/22/23 2029
  AP 7216 Academic Employees:  Grievance Procedure for Contract Decisions 5/31/19 2025
BP 7217 AP 7217 Faculty Responsibilities 12/12/23 2029
BP 7218   Part-Time Faculty 5/21/24 2030
BP 7230   Classified Employees 8/24/21 2027
  AP 7232 Classification Review 11/15/23 2029
  AP 7233 Claims for Work out of Classification 5/31/19 2025
  AP 7234 Overtime 2/22/23 2029
BP 7240   Confidential Employees 8/24/21 2027
BP 7250   Educational Administrators 8/24/21 2027
BP 7260   Classified Supervisors and Managers 8/24/21 2027
  AP 7270 Student Workers 3/31/23 2029
BP 7280 AP 7280 Emeritus Status

8/27/19 (BP)

11/20/19 (AP)

BP 7310 AP 7310 Nepotism 1/21/20 2026
BP 7330 AP 7330 Communicable Disease - Employees 4/19/22 2028
  AP 7336 Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis 8/27/19 2025
  AP 7337 Fingerprinting 11/20/19 2025
BP 7340 AP 7340 Leaves 6/25/19 2025
  AP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave 3/2/22 2028
  AP 7344 Notifying District of Illness 4/22/24 2030
BP 7345 AP 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program 4/19/22 2028
  AP 7346 Employees Called to Military Duty 3/22/23 2029
  AP 7347 Paid Family Leave 2/22/23 2029
  AP 7348 Accommodations 5/16/24 2030
BP 7350   Resignations 4/18/23 2029
BP 7360 AP 7360 Discipline and Dismissal - Academic Employees 5/16/23 2029
BP 7365 AP 7365 Discipline and Dismissal - Classified Employees 4/18/23 2029
BP 7370 AP 7370 Political Activity 4/19/22 2028
  AP 7371 Personal Use of Public Resources - Employees 4/6/22 2028
BP 7380 AP 7380 Retiree Health Benefits:  Academic Employees 11/16/21 2027
BP 7385   Salary Deductions 4/19/22 2028
BP 7400  AP 7400 Travel 11/16/21 2027
  AP 7500 Volunteers 2/22/23 2029
BP 7510   Domestic Partners 1/19/21 2027
BP 7600 AP 7600 Campus Security 10/25/22 2028
BP 7700 AP 7700 Whistleblower Protection 10/25/22 2028