One of our community partners. KCAO's mission is to provide programs that develop self-sufficiency in individuals, families, and communities within Kings County.
KCAO offers services' in: Early Childhood Education, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse and Human Trafficking, Food and Nutrition, Utilities Assistance, Weatherization, Child Care Assistance, Family Resource Centers, Housing, Tax Programs, Youth Services, CalWORKs, and connecting those interested in Volunteering to service projects within the community.
Visit their website at for information about all of the services listed above
Eligibility Restrictions
KCAO offers many services' that can help either you, your friends, or your family when times get tough.
Visit their website at for information
One of our community partners invested in addressing food and housing insecurities and connecting our students and community to various other resources.
Visit their website at or text 898211, or call 211 for information to food resources, housing, legal services, utilizes, health and other needs.
Eligibility Restrictions
211 serves as an informational tool to find local public resources and services from government, community and non-profit organizations. Find help with food, housing, child care, job training, mental health and many more services that can help either you, your friends, or your family when times get tough.
Visit their website at: or text 898211, or call 211 for information to food resources, housing, legal services, utilizes, health and other needs