Course Descriptions

Communication - COM
Course Classification

Courses numbered 1-49 — are baccalaureate level (transfer) courses. Courses thus numbered are transferable to four- year institutions. Agriculture courses are designed to parallel the work taught in similar courses at California Polytechnic State University or at California State University, Fresno but may not carry the same number.

Courses numbered 50-99 — are associate degree level courses. Courses thus numbered are primarily for the student who does not plan to continue his/her education beyond the community college level; however, occupational education courses may transfer according to articulation agreements. Complete information on articulation is available through the Counseling Center.

Courses Numbered 100-201 — are non-transfer and are non-degree applicable; they are skill building or remedial.

Abbreviations for Degree, Non-Degree, and Transfer Courses

The following abbreviations designate degree applicable, transfer, and non-degree applicable courses:
(AA) Associate Degree
(CSU) Transferable to California State University System
(UC) Transferable to University of California System
(NDA) Non-Degree Applicable

  • COM-001
  • Elements of Speech
  • Credit(s) 3

Elements of Speech
COM 001 provides instruction in the fundamental processes of oral communication, including traditional and internet research methods. This course is designed to improve the student's ability to function in any speaking situation. Emphasis is on the basic concepts of speaking as a transfer of understood messages, particularly as a communication between a single speaker and an audience. Students are involved in the critical thinking process of preparing and delivering extemporaneous speeches and in the development of active listening skills.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 051A
Transfers to:
COMM 110
  • COM-002
  • Oral Interpretation of Literat
  • Credit(s) 3

Oral Interpretation of Literature
COM 002 provides an introduction to performance studies and an analysis, appreciation, and application of theories of interpretive performances of various forms of literature including poetry, prose, and drama plays, scripts and screenplays.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
COM 001
Transfers to:
COMM 170
  • COM-003
  • Argumentation and Debate
  • Credit(s) 3

Argumentation and Debate
COM 003 provides instruction in methods of critical inquiry and advocacy. The course focuses on identifying fallacies in reasoning and language, testing evidence and evidence sources, advancing a reasoned position, and defending and refuting arguments. The course also covers the analysis, presentation, and evaluation of oral and written arguments.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
COM 001
Transfers to:
COMM 120
  • COM-004
  • Small Group Dynamics & Present
  • Credit(s) 3

Small Group Dynamics and Presentation
COM 004 provides instruction in the dynamics of small-group communication. Students will explore their own communication skills and weaknesses through the application of critical thinking and analysis. Students will learn a variety of problem-solving and leadership techniques, including how to conduct meetings and discussions, as well as how to effectively and persuasively present information within small groups and as a small group to a larger audience, utilizing both traditional and internet research methods together to analyze information.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
COMM 140
  • COM-005
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Credit(s) 3

Interpersonal Communication
COM 005 covers the principles of verbal and nonverbal transactions that occur in relationships. The course covers the study of theory and research findings and their application to communication in interpersonal relationships in personal and professional contexts. It includes studying and applying various interpersonal communication skills to build healthier relationships, such as active listening, conflict management strategies, and identity construction within social and cultural contexts. Students will engage in interpersonal exercises to use communication skills such as listening, paraphrasing, describing feelings, decision-making.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
COMM 130
  • COM-006
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Credit(s) 3

Intercultural Communication
COM 006 is an introduction to intercultural communication in domestic and/or global contexts. The course examines the influence of cultures, languages, and social patterns on the ways members of groups relate among themselves and with members of different ethnic and cultural groups. Theory and knowledge of effective communication within and between cultures is covered. Students will draw comparisons between the communication modes and dynamics among people in diverse groups within the larger context of American culture.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
ENG 001A
Transfers to:
COMM 150