
Eligibility Requirements

Admission to Coalinga College requires one of the following: 

  • High school graduation. 
  • Successful completion of the California High School Equivalency Examination, G.E.D., or equivalent. 
  • Attainment of adult status, 18 years of age. 
  • Recommendation from the principal of the high school the student is attending and parental permission. 
  • Student must be approved for "advanced scholastic or vocational work," and must be identified as a special part-time or full-time student.  Some courses may have restricted access based on age. 
  • Students may be admitted as a special part-time or full-time student (dual enrollment) if: 
    • the class is open to the general public or the class is offered during the normal school day at the student's high school campus; and 
    • the student is of the age or class level equal to grades 7-12. Exceptions may be made for some special programs and course work. For additional information regarding exceptions please contact Coalinga College Dual Enrollment at  or call 559-934-2331 

See Board Policy 5010 & Administrative Procedure 5010** 

Eligibility for Dual Enrollment Admission Definitions:

  • Advanced scholastic or vocational work is identified as college-level, degree-applicable course work. 
  • A special part-time student is identified as a high school student who is attending high school and community college concurrently, and is enrolled in 11.0 college units or less. A special admissions form is required each term. 
  • A special full-time student is identified as a high school student who has been completely released by his or her high school to attend Coalinga College full-time, and is enrolled in 12.0 units or more. A special admissions form is required each term. 
  • A special admission California College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) is identified as a high school student who is attending high school and community college concurrently and is enrolled in a pathway for up to four (4) courses per semester for a maximum of fifteen (15) units. Pathway classes are offered primarily at the high school being attended and are identified as closed sections, meaning only students in the CCAP program may be enrolled. A special admissions form is required at the start of the pathway program.  

Specially admitted students released from their high school to attend full-time must pay the enrollment fee and all other appropriate fees as assessed. However, full-time special admit students may qualify for a Fee Waiver program. 

Special admissions students must complete both a college application and a special admissions form. The special admissions form can be found at the Coalinga College Dual Enrollment website here:  

For assistance with CCAP or dual enrollment, please contact or call 559-934-2331 

Administrative Procedure 5011

  • Pursuant to California Education Code Section 76001 (d), specially admitted part-time students may not enroll in more than 11 units per semester.
  • Pursuant to California Education Code Section 76300 (f), specially admitted part-time students may be exempt from payment of the enrollment fees, per special action of the Board. All other appropriate fees shall be assessed.

See Administrative Procedure 5011**  

Admission Procedure

Students who are enrolling at Coalinga College for the first time must apply for admission, either online or in person. 

Online: Visit the West Hills College website:  

In Person: Complete an online application at the Office of Admissions and Records, West Hills Coalinga, 300 Cherry Lane, Coalinga, CA 93210 

Telephone/Email:(559) 934-2300 / 

International Student Admission

Coalinga College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. International students applying for admission and subsequent student visas must meet special admission requirements. The office of International Students serves the needs of prospective degree-seeking international students. The program is here to assist in education planning for a two-year Associate of Arts, or Associate Degree for Transfer. For specific admission requirements and procedures, inquiries should be made to the Director of International Students. (See Resource page for contact information.) 

Application deadlines are as follows:  July 15 for fall semester courses and November 15 for spring semester courses. 

In addition to the standard application form, the international student must meet the following requirements: 

  • Be a graduate of an educational institution comparable to U.S. high schools, or be at least 18 years of age; 
  • Submit a letter of financial responsibility from a correspondent sponsor, from the student’s home country or a sponsor in the US. A bank statement must provide evidence that the student will meet all of his/her financial obligations while studying in the U.S.A.; 
  • Be able to use the English language with a degree of proficiency that will enable the student to profit from instruction; 
  • Give a reasonable guarantee that the student will not become a public charge, either for health or financial reasons; (Proof of health insurance will be required upon registration); 
  • Submit a complete academic record of previous secondary and college or university schooling. The academic record(s) must be an English translation; 
  • Enroll in a minimum of fifteen (15) semester units at Coalinga College. The student will be allowed five (5) semesters to complete his/her objectives; 

See Administrative Procedure 5012 

Tuition and Fees

NOTE:  All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration unless otherwise indicated. Fees are subject to change without advance notice by the Board of Trustees of the West Hills Community College District and/or the California State Legislature.

Resident Enrollment Fees

  • California residents (per unit) $46

Non-resident fees and tuition:

  • Enrollment fees (per unit) $46
  • Tuition (per unit) $319
    • Total cost per unit for non-resident students’ academic year $365

International student fees and tuition:

(Refer to International Student Admission section for additional information on fees and expenses.)

  • Enrollment fees (per unit) $46
  • Tuition (per unit) $319
  • Total cost per unit for international students $365
  • Non-refundable processing fee (per semester) $100
  • United States health insurance coverage is required:
  • Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 $1,791

Audit Fee

  • Class audit fee (per unit) $15

Credit by Exam

  • Course enrollment (per unit) $46


Residence Hall and Meal Plans

  • Residence Hall/Meal Plan : 14 meals weekly $3,601/$7,902 per Semester/Year
  • Residence Hall/Meal Plan:  19 meals weekly $4,061/$8,122 per Semester/Year

*Standard Plan

Pricing subject to change, all Plans include cable/Internet/computer lab and game room usage. For more information visit .


  • First two No charge*
  • More than two $6.22 each*

*Additional fees may apply based on method of shipping

ASB Representation Fee

  • Student Representation Fee $2.00 (per term)

Books & Supplies

A full-time student can expect to spend $1,000-1,062 on textbooks and supplies. Save money by purchasing used textbooks at the online college bookstore: or save up to 50% through textbook rental. Textbook ISBN numbers are available purchasing books via online web sites.  Open Educational Resource (OER) and eReader books are available at no to very low cost as well. 

For additional information please see Board Policy 4042** - Open Educational Resources/Administrative Procedure 4042** - Open Educational Resources  

Materials Fees

Select courses may require materials that are of lasting value beyond the term of the course. The materials are essential to satisfaction of course objectives, have value to the student outside the classroom, belong to the student, and may be taken home. Students must pay these fees at the time of registration. Materials fees will be refunded if the class is canceled or if the student withdraws according to the refund policy.


Determining Residency for Tuition Purposes

Each student has a legal residence and that legal residence is not lost until another legal residence is established. Only one legal residence can be established at any one time. In California, those persons who possess the legal ability to establish residency must be physically present in California and demonstrate the intent to remain in residence for other than an educational or temporary purpose. 

The determination of a student’s residency classification is made at the time of application and will be made in accordance with the provisions of residence policies as provided by the state of California and the residence determination date for the semester which the student proposes to attend. A new application is required after an absence of two (2) consecutive primary terms in order to re-establish residency after the period of non-attendance. 

Each person enrolled in or applying for admission to a California Community College is, for the purposes of admission and/or tuition determination, classified as a resident or a non-resident. 

  • Resident — A citizen of the United States or a person who holds a status which allows him or her to establish residency in the United States, who has proof of physical presence in the State of California for one year and a day, and who presents evidence of intention to make California his or her permanent home. Dates on any documentary evidence should correspond to dates of physical presence in California.  
  • Non-Resident — A person who does not meet the residency requirements of the State of California or who is a citizen of a foreign country and holds only temporary status in the U.S., or possesses a visa or other status document precluded from the establishment of residency. 
  • Minors — The residence of the parent with whom the minor child resides is considered the legal residence of that minor child. The residence of an unmarried minor who has a living parent cannot be changed by his/her own act, by the appointment of a legal guardian, or by relinquishment of a parent’s right of control.  

Residency Exceptions 

Military Service Members stationed in California are considered residents for enrollment fee purposes, except those assigned to California for educational purposes. 

Spouse or dependent of a Military Service Member who is classified as a California resident is also exempt from non-resident tuition. 

Veteran and/or dependent who reside in California and are attending a California school within 3 years of discharge will receive Resident Tuition Rate. Those receiving Montgomery GI-Bill-Active Duty, Post-9-11 GI Bill education benefits, and/or education assistance from the Training and Rehabilitation for Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities are also eligible for a non-resident tuition waiver. 

Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Holders and Refugees may be eligible for a non-resident fee waiver. Per Education Code Section 68075.6, a non-resident fee exemption is available to SIV holders and refugee students who settle in California after entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year. 

Any student who is a graduate of any school located in California that is operated by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be entitled to resident classification. This exception shall continue so long as continuous attendance is maintained by the student at an institution per United States Bureau of Indian Affairs — California Education Code Section 68077 (amended 1993). 

Concurrently Enrolled high school students (high school students also enrolled in college classes) who are classified as non-resident students may be eligible for a waiver of non-resident tuition and fees. The student must be attending a California high school and must not hold a temporary stay visa (example: F Student Visa or B Visitor Visa). 

California Non-Resident Fee Waiver  

U.S. citizens, permanent residents, undocumented students, and those holding a T or U visa may be eligible for a non-resident tuition fee waiver. Students must meet both the attendance and completion requirement to be eligible for the waiver. The requirements are as follows: 

  1. Attendance Requirements 
    1. 3 or more years of attendance in California schools, including a combination of elementary, middle, and high school 
    2. 1260 hours of non-credit work at a California adult school, community college, or other California non-credit program
    3. 45 or more units of credit from a California post-secondary institution 
  1. Completion Requirements 
    1. Attainment of high school diploma from a California secondary school 
    2. Completion of the California High School Education Proficiency Exam, GED, or equivalent 
    3. Completion of an associate degree from a California Community College 
    4. Completion of the minimum general education requirements for transfer to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) 

The California Non-Resident Fee Waiver affidavit is available on the student portal. Documentation is not required when submitting the affidavit, however West Hills College reserves the right to request additional information on a case by case basis.  

Residency Reclassification 

If the residency status on the application is incorrect or needs to be updated during the period of a student’s continuous attendance (i.e. attendance without a break of more than one consecutive primary term), the student may petition for residency or request a waiver of non-resident fees. A petition for residency requires documentation of eligible status, physical presence, and intent. Due to the complexity of determining residency, West Hills College reserves the right to ask for any additional information needed on a case-by-case basis. 

Residency Reclassification Petitions are available in the student portal and may be completed with assistance at the Admissions Office. A residency reclassification request must be received by the census date for the term in which the residency status is requested. The census date for a term is available in the Academic Calendar:  

Students who have been classified as non-residents have the right to a review of their classification (Title 5 Section 54010 (a)). Any student, following a decision of residence classification by the CCC Apply application process or designee, may make written appeal to the Director of Admissions and Records Registrar or designee within 30 calendar days of the college’s notification. Students have the right to appeal based on the following criteria:  

  1. To determine whether the determination process was conducted in a fair and equitable manner.  
  2. To consider new information sufficient to potentially alter the determination. 

The written appeal can be submitted in person or mailed to the Admissions Office on the Coalinga campus. Within 30 calendar days of receipt, the Director of Admissions and Records/Registrar or designee shall send a written determination to the student. The determination shall state specific facts on which the appeal decision was made. 

See Board Policy 5015 and Administrative Policy 5015 


Payment may be submitted online through the myWestHills student portal. Click the Financial Information tab, Make a Payment. You may also make a payment at the Student Services desk. 


Students are eligible for a full refund for classes that are dropped before the class begins and when a class is canceled by the college. 

Refunds must be requested. A refund may be requested online through the myWestHills student portal. Click the Financial Information tab, Request Refund.  

Withdrawal from a course does not automatically trigger a refund of fees. Students are responsible for dropping from courses they do not plan to attend in a timely manner.  

Enrollment fee refunds for semester classes (18 weeks)

100% refund if you withdraw during the first two weeks of instruction. 

No refund if you withdraw after the second week of instruction. 

Short-term classes (any class less than 18 weeks)

100% refund if you withdraw during the first two weeks of instruction. 

No refund if you withdraw after 10% of the course length Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 58508. 

Tuition and Fees - International Students

  • Tuition: International students are required to pay non-resident tuition fees during their entire attendance even though they may have lived in the State of California for one year or more.
  • Payment of Fees:  Payment for all fees, including tuition and on campus room and board (Residence Hall Fees) is due upon registration, including a non-refundable application fee of $50 US Dollars, which is required to process an application.
  • Housing:  International Students admitted to Coalinga College maybe guaranteed a place in the residence halls, upon availability. Students living on campus will have access to three meals Monday – Friday and two meals on both Saturday and Sunday.
  • Registration and Payment:  New students will register for classes on the third day of International Student Orientation program. Payment for all fees, including tuition, on campus room and board (Residence Hall Fees) are due upon registration. You may use a Visa/ MasterCard credit card, a personal check (from a U.S. bank), a Money Order, Wire Transfer or traveler’s checks (in U.S. dollars).

The chart below may vary according to what accommodations the student elects, costs of books and the amount each student requires for living expenses. Tuition and fees are subject to change:

2024-2025 Fees and Related Expenses - International Students

International Students Expenses:  30 units annually, 15 units per semester*

  • Cost of Tuition/Fees *$5,475/$10,950 per Semester/Year
  • Residence Hall/Meal Plan : 14 meals weekly $3,601/$7,902 per Semester/Year
  • Residence Hall/Meal Plan:  19 meals weekly $4,061/$8,122 per Semester/Year
  • Books/Supplies/Misc. $3,762
    • TOTAL  Varies depending on plan. 

*Per unit charge includes enrollment fees, and tuition
**Standard Plan

International fees and tuition:

  • Enrollment fees (per unit) $46
  • Tuition (per unit) $319
    • Total cost per unit for international students $365
  • Non-refundable processing fee (per semester) $100
  • United States health insurance coverage is required:
  • Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 $1,791

From the time you apply to the time you graduate, college staff is here to help you with any questions you may have. The International Students Program and the Office of Student Services are committed to your success here at Coalinga College!  (See Resource page for contact information.)

International Student Services include:

  • Counseling and advising services specific to your degree program
  • Airport pick-up free to all international students in our program
  • Field trips to San Francisco, Yosemite, and local cultural events
  • Learning Center and Free Tutoring available
  • Athletics
  • Transfer Center
  • Conversational English program with local community members for an application and information packet or email or phone (559) 934-2432.

Coalinga College provides assistance to Service Members, Spouses of Service Members, Veterans, and Dependents of Veterans. Additional financial options include:

Service Members

  • Tuition Assistance 

Veteran Educational Benefits

  • Chapter 30- Active Duty Educational Assistance Program, Montgomery GI Bill® 
    GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 
  • Chapter 31- Vocational Rehabilitation 
  • Chapter 33- Post-9/11 GI Bill® 
  • Chapter 35- Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program 
  • Chapter 1606- Selected reserve Educational Assistance Program 
  • Chapter 1607- Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) 
  • Cal Vet Fee Waiver

Students that are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill®(chapter 33) and VA Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31) need to contact Coalinga College VA Certifying Official. Please email or call 559-934-2324. 

Documents Required (Transcripts)

Students must present transcripts to the Office of Admissions and Records as soon as possible after they apply to Coalinga College. Electronic official versions of the transcripts may be sent to Students will then be asked to complete and submit a request for an evaluation. The Transcript Evaluation Request form is found in the student portal under the Student Forms section. 

Students should begin the transcript verification process well before registration begins. Delays in processing transcript evaluations will affect a student's ability to enroll in target courses. Specific information regarding procedures, timelines, and transcript evaluation notification is available by visiting the Office of Admissions and Records, emailing or calling (559) 934-2300. 

Student Correspondence

All Coalinga College students are provided with an email account which will be the official mode of correspondence. This email account is assigned once a student applies and activates their MyWestHills username and password. It is important that you to check your email often, as information we send will often be time-sensitive and important to your academic success. For assistance, direct your email questions to the Helpdesk at  or by calling (559) 934-2239.

Academic Credit Accepted

West Hills College accepts credit for degree-applicable courses completed at regionally-accredited colleges and universities. Once a transcript evaluation is completed, we will determine which degree-applicable courses with grades of D or higher may be accepted for use toward an educational goal at West Hills. Exceptions may be made for certain populations of students (ex: athletes, veterans and military benefit seekers, nursing students) where licensing or other mandates are in place requiring use of all coursework completed. Grade points are included from transfer work where appropriate and are recorded within the cumulative grade point average (GPA). 

In accepting transfer credits to fulfill degree requirements, West Hills certifies that the expected learning outcomes for transferred courses are comparable to the learning outcomes of its own courses. 

Servicemember’s Opportunity College

Coalinga College is a Servicemember’s Opportunity College and actively supports the philosophy and concepts of this designation as established by the American Association of Community Colleges.

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) was created in 1972 to provide educational opportunities to servicemembers who, because they frequently moved from place to place, had trouble completing college degrees. SOC functions in cooperation with 15 higher education associations, the Department of Defense, and Active and Reserve Components of the Military Services to expand and improve voluntary postsecondary education opportunities for servicemembers worldwide.


Orientation is required for all new students and provides you with the tools and skills to navigate your first semester at Coalinga College. Orientation can be completed online through the myWestHills student portal . Students are exempt from orientation if they have attended and/or participated in orientation at another college.

English and Math Placement

Research shows that a high school grade point average is the strongest predictor of performance in college-level coursework. Students will receive a placement using high school records instead of our traditional assessment tests. Use the following link to find out where you place for math and English:

For students who graduated from a US high school within 10 years, your high school information will be used to place you into a transfer level course. Depending on your high school GPA, you may be required to take a co-requisite support course in addition to transfer level math and English. West Hills will base your math and English placement on your high school GPA (unweighted, through 11th or 12th grade) and your high school math coursework.

If you do not know your high school GPA or coursework, please contact Student Services at (559) 934-2300 (Coalinga) or (559) 934-2977 (Firebaugh Center) for more information.


All students should consult with their assigned counselor to develop a Student Educational Plan. Counselors are committed to assisting students to make thoughtful, independent decisions in their vocational and educational goals. Whether you wish to take one course, earn a certificate or an associate degree, and/or transfer to a four-year college or university, counselors are available to help identify and plan your academic and career goals.    

Coalinga College counseling services include the following:

  • Academic counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing, planning and implementing immediate and long-range academic goals.
  • Career counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing his/her aptitudes, abilities, and interests; the student is advised concerning the current and future employment outlook, and how to best prepare for an occupation.
  • Personal counseling, when personal, family, or other social concerns impact the student’s ability to be successful academically.

All students should consult a counselor to develop or update their Student Educational Plan when they:

  • Plan to pursue a certificate, associate degree or transfer program; or
  • Need to change or correct their major and/or educational goal

Registration and Course Schedule

In conformity with the provisions of Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, Coalinga College affirms a policy of open enrollment. Unless specifically exempted by statute, every course, course section, or class, wherever offered and maintained by the District, for which average daily attendance is reported for state aid, is fully open to enrollment and participation by any person admitted to the college who meets the stated course prerequisites.

Course schedules are available online at Class registration is completed by the student through their myWestHills portal.

Enrollment Priorities

Coalinga College will provide priority registration to students who enroll for the purpose of degree or certificate attainment, transfer to a four-year college or university, or career advancement. Students shall be required to meet all criteria for registration priority before a deadline approximately one month before the registration period opens. These registration priorities also apply to courses offered during the summer session. 

Students will have the following registration priority, in the order listed below: 

  • Students who are eligible as a member of the armed forces or a veteran, foster youth or former foster youth, eligible and receiving services through CalWORKs, Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) or Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), Central Valley Promise (CVP) Recipients, and students with dependents under 18 years of age who receive more than half of their support from the student. 
  • Members of the West Hills College President’s Scholars Program 
  • Student Support Services (SSS, TRIO, Upward Bound) students; HEP and CAMP participants, continuing students with at least 45 completed or in progress units; and potential graduating high school seniors 
  • Continuing students with between 30 and 44.9 completed or in progress units 
  • Continuing students with between 15 and 29.9 completed or in progress units 
  • Continuing students with less than 14.9 completed or in progress units, all other eligible first-time students 

For the purposes of priority registration, first time students shall be defined as students with no district courses recorded on their academic record, and who have not previously been awarded priority registration. 

Potential graduating seniors and first-time students shall be required to have an education plan. 

Continuing students are students who are currently enrolled during the semester when the registration period occurs. All continuing students are required to have a completed student education plan on file to receive early registration. 

Registration priority can be lost at the first registration opportunity after a student: 

  • Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof as defined in these Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4250** for two consecutive terms; or 
  • Has earned or is in progress in seventy (70) or more degree-applicable semester equivalent units at the district. 
  • For purposes of this section a unit is earned when a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D or P as defined in Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 4230**. This 70-unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses as defined by the college Executive Vice President or or designee. However, these units will be used for the purposes of placing students into a priority group. Students enrolled in high unit majors or programs as designated by the college Dean of Student Services, or designee. 

Units earned through transfer, credit by examination, advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, or other similar programs shall not count in unit values for priority registration purposes. 

The District shall notify students who are placed on academic or progress probation, of the potential for loss of enrollment priority. The district shall notify the student that a second consecutive term on academic or progress probation will result in the loss of priority registration as long as the student remains on probation. The District shall notify students or who have earned 75% or more of the unit limit, that enrollment priority will be lost when the student reaches the unit limit. 

Appeal of Loss of Enrollment Priority 

Students may appeal to have their Registration Priority reinstated under the following conditions: 

  • Student has a disability and applied for reasonable accommodations but did not receive services in a timely manner. 
  • Student has made significant academic improvement where they meet the minimum grade point average and/or progress standard to be removed from academic or progress probation. 
  • Student has experienced extenuating circumstances (verified cases of accident, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the student's control; changes in a student's economic circumstances may be considered for California College Promise Grant (CCPG) eligibility). 
  • Student has completed 100 associate degree units, however, is pursuing a high unit major. Appeals for Loss of Registration Priority may be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. The appeal form is located in the student portal under Student Forms. Questions can be directed by calling (559) 934-2300 or by emailing: 

See Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 5055 

Adding or Dropping a Class

Students may change their schedule during up to the first day of class using the register and drop options available through the online student portal without instructor permission as long as prerequisites have been met for the desired course. After the first day of class, instructor permission is needed to add a class. 

Late Registration

Students may add classes until the first day of any class section. After the first day of class, students may add classes through the add period with instructor add authorization. There is no add code.  

Students may make these changes during the first week (or the equivalent) of instruction, online or through the Student Services office, with instructor add authorization as long as prerequisites and/or corequisites have been met for the desired course and there are seats available. 

Wait Lists

When seats are not available students may add themselves to a course section waitlist. If seats become available, the first eligible student is granted permission to register and is informed via email address. This permission expires within five (5) days after being granted. 

The waitlist is active until the first day of class. The last open seat notices are sent up to five (5) days prior to the first day of class. On the first day of class, please follow the late registration process to enroll if a seat opens during the add period. 

Tuition and fees are not charged for waitlisting a class, but may be charged upon registration. 

The waitlist acts as an indicator of interest to allow West Hills College administrators to determine if another course section should be opened. West Hills College cannot guarantee that seats will become available or that additional sections will be opened but will make every effort to redirect you to alternative sections with seat availability. 

Dropping A Course

Students may change their schedule by dropping classes using the online MyWestHills student portal. 

  • Full Term (18 week) courses — A course may be dropped during the first three weeks of instruction without a notation appearing on the academic record. A grade of W will be assigned from the fourth week through the end of the 13th week. If the student remains enrolled in a class through the beginning of the 14th week, a letter grade other than W will be assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a class in which he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled. 
  • Short-term (less than 18 week) courses — A course may be dropped prior to the first 20% of instruction without a notation appearing on the academic record. A grade of W will be assigned to any drops from the 20% point and before the 75% point of Instruction. If the student remains enrolled in a class from the 75% point on, a letter grade other than W will be assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a class in which he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled. 

Special Note: For classes with less than 5 meetings, you must drop prior to the start date of instruction to prevent a notation or grade appearing on your record. 

Auditing Courses

Education Code section 76370 authorizes districts to charge students who audit courses a fee not to exceed $15 per unit per semester. Students auditing courses are prohibited from changing their enrollment to credit status, and the attendance of auditors is not included for purposes of state apportionment.  

Students should not register into a course they wish to audit. A student should request permission to audit using the online form or at the Admissions Office. If the request to audit is approved, the student will be enrolled for the class after the add period for credit seeking students has ended.  

Auditing will only be permitted if there are seats available in the class, the prerequisites for the class are met, the class does not overlap another registered section, and the instructor’s permission has been obtained. 

Once a student has enrolled to audit a course, he/she may not enroll in that course for credit during the same semester. 

Audit requests must be received within the first week of instruction for full term classes (classes that are 18 weeks), or by the second class session for short term sections (any section less than 18 weeks).

Auditing students are expected to attend class regularly, participate in class activities, and complete exams, projects and papers. However, the audited course will not be posted to a student’s permanent record. 

Please note that students enrolled for credit in ten or more semester units may audit an additional three or fewer units without paying this fee. There is no authority for districts that establish this fee to allow any other type of waiver. 

See Board Policy and Administrative Policy 4070 

Class Cancellations

Courses listed in the schedule may be canceled due to low enrollment. If a class is canceled, fees will automatically be refunded and credited to the students’ account. Every effort will be made to schedule students into other classes. Early registration and attendance at first class meetings will help prevent scheduled classes from being canceled. 

Student Financial Aid

Coalinga College recognizes that many students need financial assistance in order to continue their education. Every effort is made to help as many students as possible through the various financial aid programs administered by the college. These programs include, but are not limited to: 

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Work Study
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) 
  • California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
  • California Community College Promise Grant (AB-19/2)
  • Cal Grants
  • Student Success Completion Grant
  • Chafee Grant

Priority application deadlines are established each year for State and/or institutional funding, and students are encouraged to apply in advance of these deadlines to ensure fund availability by the start of the semester. However, federal aid programs accept applications throughout the academic year.  

In order to be considered for financial aid, U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), while AB540 eligible non-citizens must file the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). Do not file both. The FAFSA is available at , and the CADAA is available at 

To be eligible to receive federal and state financial aid, Coalinga College students must be enrolled in an eligible program for the purpose of completing an AA/AS degree, transfer requirements, or an approved certificate program.  

You can reach the Coalinga College financial aid office at (559) 934-2310 or 

Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid: 

 Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and complete at least 67% of their units attempted. Students may not continue to participate in federal financial aid programs after they have attempted 150% of the required units needed for their educational objective.  

Students who received less than the minimum GPA requirement or fail to complete at least 67% of the cumulative units attempted, will lose their financial aid eligibility until they reestablish satisfactory progress.  

Financial Aid Progress standards are separate and apart from the institutional academic satisfactory progress standards.  

Students may submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Office to continue their financial aid eligibility. The Financial Aid office reviews all appeals. Appeals require a Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) signed by an academic counselor and an explanation for why the minimum requirements were not met. 

 You can review our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy on our website:  

Student Financial Aid Refunds/Repayments

When a student withdraws, drops out, or is expelled on or after the first day of class of a payment period, the institution will determine whether the student received an overpayment of financial aid funds for non-institutional expenses. The overpayment is the difference between the amount of financial aid received as cash disbursements and the amount incurred for non-institutional costs during the portion of the payment period that the student was enrolled. Federal Work-study and Federal Student Loans are not included in the calculation for overpayment.

The calculated refund will be credited to the Title IV programs in the following order:

  • Outstanding balances of any Federal Direct Student Loans
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal SEOG
  • State Grants

A student who owes a repayment is ineligible for further Federal Title IV assistance until the repayment is made. This information will be reported to the national student aid database and will be reflected on future student aid reports until paid.

The institution takes the following steps to contact students and request overpayments:

  • A hold may be placed, preventing registration and release of student records.
  • A written request for repayment is mailed to the student.
  • The overpayment is submitted for state tax offset.
  • The overpayment may be referred to the Department of Education for collection.

Federal Programs

  • Pell Grants — Federal Pell Grants are financial awards to help undergraduates pay for their college education. For many students, these grants provide a foundation of financial aid to which aid from other federal and non-federal sources may be added. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid. Fill out the application at The maximum Pell Grant for 2020/21 is $6,345 based on full-time enrollment (12 units).
  • FSEOG — The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program is available to qualified undergraduate students with the greatest financial need and does not have to be repaid. Priority is given to Pell Grant recipients. All undergraduate students who apply for financial aid are automatically considered for FSEOG. The maximum FSEOG for 2020/21 is $400 based on at least half-time enrollment (6 units).
  • Work-Study — The Federal Work-Study Program (FWSP) provides jobs for eligible students with an opportunity to earn money to help pay educational expenses. The hourly pay is at least the current minimum wage. The total FWSP award depends on the student’s need, the amount of money the college has for the program, and the amount of aid awarded from other programs. Coalinga College students may work up to 19 hours per week with a schedule that does not conflict with their courses.
  • Direct Loans — Federal Direct Loans are low interest rate loans are made by the Department of Education. A student may borrow up to the annual limit determined by class standing each school year. Repayment begins six months after the borrower ceases to be enrolled at least 6 units.

State Programs

  • PROMISE GRANT — California College Promise Grant (CCPG) waives the enrollment fee required by the State of California. Students must be a resident of California or determined to be AB540 by the Registrar’s Office, and either be eligible through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the CCPG Application by meeting the specified Income criteria, or being a current recipient or dependent of TANF/CalWORKs, SSI/SSP or General Assistance, or have a dependent’s fee waiver from the Veteran’s Affairs Department, or Congressional Medal of Honor or 9-11 dependent, or dependent of a deceased law enforcement /fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty. The CCPG covers an academic year beginning with summer term and eligibility continues for the fall and spring terms as long as academic progress is maintained. CCPG Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Maintaining California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Fee Waiver Eligibility:
Students who qualify for CCPG Fee Waiver must maintain academic and progress standards in order to continue to receive the fee waiver and priority registration. Successful academic standing is a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Students whose GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall and spring), may lose their fee waiver. In addition, if the cumulative number of units completed is less than 50 percent in two consecutive terms (fall and spring), students may also lose the fee waiver. Students will be notified within 30 days of the end of each term of their status and that a second term of probation will result in a loss of the CCPG eligibility at the next registration opportunity.

If a student loses CCPG eligibility, they can regain eligibility by:

Improving GPA or course completion Successful appeal under extenuating circumstances Successful appeal based on significant academic improvement Non-attendance for two consecutive primary terms (Fall/Spring semesters, or Spring/Fall)

The appeals processed for extenuating circumstances includes:

  • Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
  • Changes in economic situation
  • Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
  • Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS and student veterans
  • Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner

For more on the appeal process, or to obtain an appeal form, please contact the Student Services Office at (559) 934-2300.

  • Promise Program — CA College Promise Program Enrollment Fee Waiver (CCCPW) made possible by AB19 allows California Residents and California Non-residents who submit their FAFSA or Dream Act applications to receive a fee waiver of their enrollment fees of $46/per unit if they are a first-time community college student, enrolled full-time for the primary terms only Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 and 2nd year enrollment fees may also be waived upon availability of state budget allocation and 1st year eligibility will also be dependent on renewed funding from state. Please see Form 9- Terms of Agreement Waiver
  • Cal Grant B Program — Cal Grants B awards are available through the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to students who file a FAFSA or Dream application by March 2nd for the Entitlement award. An additional deadline of September 2nd for continuing community college students wanting to be considered for the competitive awards. The Cal Grant program consists of Entitlement and Competitive awards. Entitlement awards are guaranteed to students who have graduated high school in 2015-2016 or later and meet eligibility requirements. Competitive awards are offered on a competitive basis to those students who did not receive entitlements and are not guaranteed. Student need to register for at least 15 units per semester or 30 units per year and follow Ed Plan to ensure graduation within 2 years from Coalinga College and stay on track to graduate within 4 years once requirements met and transferred. Note: Cal Grant awards are limited to 4 academic years, except student five year undergraduate programs or a teacher prep program. The maximum grant is $1672.00 and up to $6024 for students with dependents under the age of 18 years based on full-time enrollment per academic year. Further information is available at or you may contact the financial aid office (559) 934-2310.
  • Cal Grant C Program — Cal Grant C awards are available for students enrolled in an occupational or vocational course of study, grants are based on the student’s need and cover the cost of fees, books, supplies, tools, and special clothing. The maximum grant is $1094.00 and up to $4000 for students with dependents under the age of 18 years based on full-time enrollment per academic year.
  • California Community College Completion Grant(SSCG) maybe available for Calgrant B & C recipients who are enrolled in at least 12 units may receive up to $1298/annually and those that enroll in at least 15 units may be eligible a grant up to $4000/annually. Student must meet and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and follow their edplan to remain eligible. For additional information and requirements please contact the Financial Aid Office (559) 934-2310.
  • Chafee GrantChafee Grant — Youth who are or were in foster care may qualify for up to $5,000 a year for college. To qualify, students must attend college at least half-time and their course of study must be at least one year long. To apply, students must submit both the FAFSA or Dream Act Application and the California Chafee Grant Application, which is available online at


Several scholarships are available for Coalinga College students including those attending both full and part time. Additional scholarship information, applications, deadlines, and details are available online at

**See Administrative Procedures and Board Policies at