Course Descriptions

Non-Credit - NC
Course Classification

Courses numbered 1-49 — are baccalaureate level (transfer) courses. Courses thus numbered are transferable to four- year institutions. Agriculture courses are designed to parallel the work taught in similar courses at California Polytechnic State University or at California State University, Fresno but may not carry the same number.

Courses numbered 50-99 — are associate degree level courses. Courses thus numbered are primarily for the student who does not plan to continue his/her education beyond the community college level; however, occupational education courses may transfer according to articulation agreements. Complete information on articulation is available through the Counseling Center.

Courses Numbered 100-201 — are non-transfer and are non-degree applicable; they are skill building or remedial.

Abbreviations for Degree, Non-Degree, and Transfer Courses

The following abbreviations designate degree applicable, transfer, and non-degree applicable courses:
(AA) Associate Degree
(CSU) Transferable to California State University System
(UC) Transferable to University of California System
(NDA) Non-Degree Applicable

  • NC-100
  • Supervised Tutoring
  • Credit(s) N/A

Supervised Tutoring
NC 100 provides tutorial services to assist students in successfully attaining their educational objectives. Hours will vary depending upon individual student needs. Tutoring will take place in the Learning Resource Center.

Class Hours:
90 Laboratory
  • NC-050
  • Intro to Tutoring & Supp Instr
  • Credit(s) N/A

Introduction to Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction
NC 050 is an intensive introduction to tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) that provides students with information, techniques, and experiences that will make them more effective tutors/SI leaders.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
  • NC-120
  • Beg Read Writing & Spk Skills
  • Credit(s) N/A

Beginning Reading, Writing, & Speaking Skills
NC 120 is for students whose native language is not English. This course includes listening and speaking through correct grammatical use with an emphasis on developing conversation skills for everyday situations.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-200
  • College Reading and Writing Pr
  • Credit(s) N/A

College Reading and Writing Preparedness
NC 200 is designed to provide support for students in English 001A. This course will give students additional time in class to better prepare them for the rigorous English 001A material. This course is combines with English 001A; students who wish to receive the additional curricular support will need to be enrolled in this section as well as its 001A counterpart.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
ENG 001A
  • NC-201
  • Algebra Support
  • Credit(s) N/A

Algebra Support
NC 201 is a review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in intermediate algebra. Topics include: a review of computational skills, order of operations, factoring, operations on rational and radical expressions, exponential and logarithmic expressions and equations, linear and quadratic functions. Intended for majors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 064 or MATH 063.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
MATH 063 or MATH 064
  • NC-202
  • Intro to Statistics Support
  • Credit(s) N/A

Introduction to Statistics Support
NC 202 is a review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in statistics. Topics include concepts from arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra, and descriptive statistics that are needed to understand the basics of college-level statistics. The course is for students who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 025.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
MATH 025
  • NC-203
  • Precalculus Support
  • Credit(s) N/A

Precalculus Support
NC 203 is a review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in precalculus. Topics include: a review of computational skills developed in intermediate algebra, factoring, operations on rational and radical expressions, absolute value equations and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic expressions and equations, conic sections, functions including composition and inverses, an in-depth focus on quadratic functions, and a review of topics from geometry. This course is intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 015 or MATH 016.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
MATH 015 or MATH 016
  • NC-204
  • Contemporary Mathematics Suppo
  • Credit(s) N/A

Contemporary Mathematics Support
NC 204 is designed as a corequisite support course for students who are concurrently enrolled in the parent course, MATH045, and are placed into this course using multiple measures. The parent course is designed for prospective elementary school teachers. This course focuses on the necessary supporting skills for the study of the mathematics of voting and gaming systems, apportionment, circuits, algorithms, networks, and scheduling. Also, modeling population and financial growth as well as gathering data and representing data.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
MATH 045
  • NC-205
  • Structure & Concepts in Math I
  • Credit(s) N/A

Structure & Concepts in Math I Support
NC 205 is designed as a corequisite support course for students who are concurrently enrolled in the parent course, MATH 010A, and are placed into this course using multiple measures. The parent course is designed for prospective elementary school teachers. This course focuses on the necessary supporting skills for the study of the development of quantitative reasoning and the real number systems and subsystems.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
  • NC-206
  • Quantitative Analysis Support
  • Credit(s) N/A

Quantitative Analysis Support
NC 206 is a support class to review basic skills and concepts that you might have forgotten. Topics include concepts from arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra, and descriptive statistics, which are necessary skills you will need to be successful in MATH 039. This course is only for students who are enrolled in MATH 039 at the same time.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
MATH 039
  • NC-210
  • ESL for College and Work
  • Credit(s) N/A

ESL for College and Work
NC 210 is designed to help the English Language Learner acquire general language skills needed to function effectively in work and academic environments. Emphasis is placed on practice of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and computer skills. This noncredit low-intermediate level ESL course develops oral and written communication skills in English within the context of work environments. Students study and practice vocabulary for communicating with employers, customers, and industry professionals. Students learn about American customer service culture and explore opportunities in their career industry.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-125
  • Inter Read, Writing & Speaking
  • Credit(s) N/A

Intermediate Reading, Writing & Speaking
ESL 125 is for students whose native language is not English but who can already speak basic English. This course continues conversation practice with an emphasis on increasing vocabulary, fluency and reading comprehension.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-130
  • Advanced Reading, Writi & Spea
  • Credit(s) N/A

Advanced Reading, Writing & Speaking
ESL 130 is for students whose native language is not English. This course emphasizes advanced reading, grammar and sentence writing. This course prepares students for college level reading and writing.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-135
  • Adv Comm Skills for Life & Car
  • Credit(s) N/A

Advanced Communication Skills for Life And Career
ESL 135 is for students who have advanced ESL skills in reading, writing, and speaking. Students will practice communication skills necessary for career and life. This will be done through presentations, role playing, and mock interviews.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-144
  • OSHA 10 Safety
  • Credit(s) N/A

OSHA 10 Safety
NC 144 provides students with the basic skills for understanding safety in the workplace. Topics covered include OSHA regulations, personal protective equipment, and common workplace hazards. Students will learn proper use of common tools and safety in workplace situations. Successful students will receive an official OSHA10 card, accepted by industry, as documentation of course completion.

Class Hours:
8 Lecture | 2 Laboratory
  • NC-145
  • Precision Measuring
  • Credit(s) N/A

Precision Measuring
NC 145 provides students with knowledge and skills on how to select, inspect, use, and care for levels; use of feeler gauges, calipers, micrometers, height gauges, and surface plates. Measuring tools to monitor and evaluate equipment such as dial indicators, pyrometers, and thermal/vibration analysis will also be covered. Students will be able to apply these precise measuring skills to various manufacturing practices such as measuring tolerances in equipment or products.

Class Hours:
20 Lecture
  • NC-152A
  • Citizen/The Naturalization
  • Credit(s) N/A

Citizenship/The Naturalization
NC 152A is for legal residents who want to become citizens of the United States. The course provides an introduction to the naturalization process, clarifying eligibility requirements, forms and interview procedures, photo specifications, and the rights and responsibilities of U.S. Citizenship. In addition, this course will prepare the students to demonstrate their proficiency in writing, reading, and the understanding of the English language.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
  • NC-152B
  • Citizenship/US Hist & Govern
  • Credit(s) N/A

Citizenship/U.S. History and Government
NC 152B is for legal residents who want to become citizens of the United States. This course prepares students for the U.S. Citizenship History and Government test requirements.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
  • NC-157
  • Fitness for Life
  • Credit(s) N/A

Fitness for Life
NC 157 is a course in mild exercise designed essentially for middle and older adults who, for one reason or another, have not maintained a satisfactory level of physical activity.

Class Hours:
54 Laboratory
  • NC-160
  • GED Preparation Program
  • Credit(s) N/A

GED Preparation Program
NC 160 equips individuals with the skills and knowledge base necessary to pass the GED exam. Students review the five GED content areas (language arts-reading and writing, mathematics, social studies, and science) with particular emphasis on writing and math. Instructors will assess individual skills levels to help the student focus on tutoring weakness into strengths. Additionally, the GED Preparation program will provide students with Adult Basic Education (ABE)lessons which include the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Test, offering opportunities to further build skills in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Along with (ABE) training, the GED Preparation program will also provide Basic Skills/English as a Second language (ESL) instruction. Students will use computer based tutorials to practice and improve their English language skills.

Class Hours:
162 Laboratory
  • NC-162
  • High School equivalency (HSE)
  • Credit(s) N/A

High School Equivalency (HSE) Preparation
NC 162 prepares individuals with the skills and knowledge base necessary to pass the HSE exam. Students review the examination content areas (language arts - reading and writing, mathematics, social studies, and science) with particular emphasis on writing and math. Instructors will assess individual skill levels to help the student focus on tutoring weaknesses into strengths.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture | 108 Laboratory
  • NC-180
  • Survey of Unmanned Aerial Syst
  • Credit(s) N/A

Survey of Unmanned Aerial Systems
NC 180 is an introduction to unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for students that want to learn more about regulations for UAS, applications of UAS; and flight procedures. These topics are designed to provide familiarity with terminology, value of UAS in business, and use of UAS for imagery and data collection. This course is a precursor to a series of credit courses on liability issues, flight techniques, and passing the Part 107 certification test.

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
  • NC-182
  • Understandng Flow and Pressure
  • Credit(s) N/A

Understanding Flow and Pressure
NC 182 provides students with the training and skills to perform maintenance tasks for irrigation lines and pumping systems. Fundamental knowledge of irrigation system types, parts, functions, and purposes will also be covered.

Class Hours:
18 Laboratory
  • NC-183
  • Use of Fld Moble Computng Dev
  • Credit(s) N/A

Use of Field Mobile Computing Devices
NC 183 provides computer literacy for the technician working with field tablets, handheld computers, or mobile devices, in irrigation, pest management, agriculture production, animal science, precision agriculture, or industrial technical areas. The course focuses on advanced settings and functions usually found within mobile devices including GPS, inertial measurement units, temperature or other data collection sensors, and the apps that utilize them.

Class Hours:
16 Laboratory
  • NC-184
  • Maintnce of Ag Irrigtion Filtr
  • Credit(s) N/A

Maintenance of Agriculture Irrigation Filter Systems
NC 184 provides students with the basic skills to determine the proper maintenance tasks for common agriculture irrigation filtering systems, complete those tasks, and evaluate the proper operation of a filtering system. Fundamental knowledge of filter system types, parts, functions, and purposes will also be covered.

Class Hours:
18 Laboratory
  • NC-185A
  • Installing Field Sensors
  • Credit(s) N/A

Installing Field Sensors Filter Systems
NC 185A provides students with the knowledge and skills to install in-field sensors including: volumetric water content and soil tension moisture sensors, and pressure transducers for irrigation lines. Best practices for installation will be discussed and demonstrated in the field. In addition the value of other sensors such as sap flow, surface renewal, and flowmeters will be discussed.

Class Hours:
8 Lecture | 8 Laboratory
  • NC-185B
  • Installng Automtc Irrig Snsrs
  • Credit(s) N/A

Installing Automated Irrigation Systems Filter Systems
NC 185B provides an understanding of how automated irrigation operates and the knowledge and skills to install an automated irrigation system in the field. Two different automated systems will be used as examples to identify components, select and install correct configuration based on a systems design, check for correct connections, and complete mounting in the field.

Class Hours:
4 Lecture | 10 Laboratory
  • NC-185C
  • Schedulng Automated Irrigatio
  • Credit(s) N/A

Scheduling Automated Irrigation Systems Filter Systems
NC 185C provides understanding of how automated irrigation operates and the detailed use of software to complete an automated irrigation schedule. Two different irrigation software will be used to identify communication nodes, monitor pressures and flow, and turn on pumps and valves for a specified time period.

Class Hours:
9 Lecture | 9 Laboratory
  • NC-186
  • Maintenance of Irrigation Pump (Effective Spring 2025)
  • Credit(s) N/A

Maintenance of Irrigation Pumping and Delivery (Effective Spring 2025)
NC 186 provides students with supportive, hands-on training to develop the ability to perform basic maintenance tasks for pumping systems and irrigation lines including pump lubrication, evaluation of bearings, troubleshooting, and care and flushing of lines. We will work together to help you to gain an understanding of irrigation system parts and functions, in short, to keep water flowing and plants growing!

Class Hours:
18 Lecture
  • NC-191
  • Agriculture Technical Literacy
  • Credit(s) N/A

Agriculture Technical Literacy
In NC 191, you will develop the skills to identify and utilize digital technology in agriculture, write effective agricultural technical reports, and interpret industry documents. Upon completion you'll be equipped to leverage technology for enhanced farm management and data analysis, contributing to a more diverse and equitable agricultural industry.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
  • NC-192
  • Agricultural Systems
  • Credit(s) N/A

Agricultural Systems
In NC 192, you will dive into understanding the core principles of the agricultural industry, exploring plant science, crop production systems, and animal systems. Through this course, will acquire essential knowledge and skills to navigate these systems effectively, fostering equity and understanding within the agricultural community.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-193
  • Agricultural Safety
  • Credit(s) N/A

Agricultural Safety
In NC 193, you will learn how to maintain a safe and compliant work environment in agriculture by following Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards, safely operating hand power tools, and implementing best practices for manufacturing, food safety, and sanitation. Through these skills, you'll be empowered to prioritize workplace safety and uphold the dignity of all individuals involved in agricultural operations.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture
  • NC-194
  • Equip Operatns, Config. & Trou
  • Credit(s) N/A

Equipment Operation, Configuration, & Troubleshooting
In NC 194, you will gain hands-on experience operating electronic and mechanical equipment used in agriculture, setting up equipment safely for tasks, and troubleshooting issues across electrical, mechanical, and software systems. Whether you're a novice or an experienced technician, this course ensures you will develop a robust understanding to succeed in industrial, agricultural, and mechanical fields. Through inclusive practices, you will thrive in mastering the intricacies of various equipment, fostering an environment where all students can excel.

Class Hours:
54 Lecture
  • NC-195
  • Workplace Effectiveness
  • Credit(s) N/A

Workplace Effectiveness
In NC 195, you will learn effective communication, time management, workplace policies, and conflict resolution strategies essential for success in the agriculture industry. Through this course, you will learn to navigate organizational structures, foster collaborative relationships, and communicate inclusively within the workplace using industry methods. With a focus on inclusive communication and equitable participation, you'll be prepared to thrive in diverse work environments, ensuring equal opportunities for all to contribute effectively.

Class Hours:
36 Lecture