Searching for Open Educational Resources (OER)

Searching for OER can be frustrating at times because there are so many different places to find it! If you are able to, it is a good idea to sit down with Lemoore College’s OER Librarian at the beginning of your OER journey and get a run-down of the best places to go for your particular needs.

Google Advanced Search

Google has an advanced search function that allows users to get very specific about what they want to find. One of the options given in the advanced search is the ability to restrict the results to only those that are licensed in a certain way.

The “usage rights” drop-down menu will give you different options that correspond with the different Creative Commons licenses (i.e. “free to use, share, modify, even commercially” would be the CC BY license).

Search Google Example

General OER Search Tools & Repositories
Open Textbooks
Open Courseware

Open Media

Ancillary Material